How Prioritizing Employee Health Impacts Employee Retention

How Prioritizing Employee Health Impacts Employee Retention

Research is continually being done which is showing that worksite well-being programs such as these are beneficial for both employers and employees. Businesses that prioritize the health of their employees will see an improvement in employee retention. Keep reading to find out three top reasons why.

Reducing Illness-Related Turnover

Illness is one of the highest causes of employee turnover. You can counteract this by implementing a good health-centric policy. When employees follow such policies, the rate and severity of their illnesses may decrease, thereby reducing illness-related turnover rates. Investing in the health of your employees will enable you to maintain a happy, engaged, productive staff. Healthy employees are less likely to take sick days, allowing your business to get more work done. Prioritizing employee health will ultimately save you time, energy, and money by allowing you to avoid having to make up missed work from sick employees.

Improving Loyalty

While the main goal of prioritizing employee health is to encourage employees to adopt a healthier lifestyle, it comes with a side benefit of improved employee loyalty. Employees who feel that their employers value and prioritize their health are likely to feel a greater sense of loyalty to their job and stay with the business for a longer period of time. Show your employees that you value their health by taking the time to identify job hazards and respond to them effectively. As you show your loyalty to your employees, they will be more inclined to show loyalty to you. They will be more likely to come to work on time and produce a quality product.

Increasing Efficiency and Productivity

Implementing a health-centric policy in your workplace also will help your employees work more efficiently and increase their productivity. Many workplaces currently suffer from presenteeism—a type of poor productivity that happens when employees are physically present at work but don’t (or can’t) work due to poor health. Prioritizing employee health will help your employees make healthier lifestyle choices, likely resulting in substantially higher levels of productivity.

There are several ways you can prioritize the health of your employees in your workplace. You can implement a wellbeing program and encourage healthy behaviors in workplace culture. Many employers offer benefits to their employees such as retirement or pension plans, healthcare, paid time off, and maternity leave. These benefits will help your business recruit and retain qualified employees. As you prioritize the health of your employees, the health of your business will surely improve as well.

Looking to hire some new employees? Contact us so we can help you build a great team!

  • On July 15, 2020